
Horizontal pod scaler unknown docker on mac
Horizontal pod scaler unknown docker on mac

horizontal pod scaler unknown docker on mac

Note that you need to move the created Dockerfile up to the root solution folder. Right-click the project ( ) and select Add | Docker Support. You can also generate such a file in Visual Studio. RUN dotnet publish "" -c Release -o /app/publishĮNTRYPOINT RUN dotnet build "" -c Release -o /app/build

horizontal pod scaler unknown docker on mac

RUN -mount=type=secret,id=dxnuget dotnet nuget add source $(cat /run/secrets/dxnuget) -n devexpress-nugetĬOPY The -secret flag helps you safely pass a NuGet source URL:įROM /dotnet/aspnet:6.0 AS baseįROM /dotnet/sdk:6.0 AS build Visit for downloads and additional information. The following diagram illustrates the cluster’s architecture: *.yaml files that help you deploy an app to a Kubernetes cluster with a Microsoft SQL Server database engine container, Horizontal Pod Autoscaler, and Ingress.a Dockerfile that helps you publish an app to a Linux container, and a version for a Windows container ( Dockerfile.win).This repository contains the following useful resources: An AKS cluster needs two nodes (B4ms machines: 4 Cores, 16 GB RAM) to operate with such a number of pod replicas and the same load. The maximum pod replica number (20) allowed around 300 concurrent users.

horizontal pod scaler unknown docker on mac

We tested the application in two types of clusters: locally-run K3s and Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS). Deploy and scale an XAF Blazor Server app: use Azure Kubernetes Service to serve hundreds of usersįollow the instruction in this example to deploy an XAF Blazor application to a Kubernetes cluster with horizontal autoscaling.

Horizontal pod scaler unknown docker on mac